# Dropdown Menu

KDropdownMenu is a button (or any slotted content) that is clicked to trigger a menu popover beneath it.

# Props

# label

The label for the menu.

# items

An array of item objects containing a label property and other optional properties which will render a menu of KDropdownItems .

    { label: 'Props', to: { path: '/components/dropdown-menu.html#props' } },
    { label: 'Slots', to: { path: '/components/dropdown-menu.html#slots' } },
    { label: 'Top', to: { path: '/components/dropdown-menu.html' } }

# appearance

Use this prop to specify the display style for the dropdown menu. Can be either menu (default) or selectionMenu. The menu style is the standard you have seen in the example above. Uses a standard primary KButton with hover state over items and no notion of "selection".

<KDropdownMenu label="Documentation" :items="items" />

The selectionMenu style is used when a visual indication of the currently selected menu item is needed. selected state is handled automatically when clicking a KDropdownItem if used in conjunction with the items prop. Each item should have a label and a value.

If using the items slot, you will have access to the handleSelection() method which should be called on each item's click event and takes the item data as a parameter. This will enable you to attach to the @change event (which returns the selected item) to track your selection.

  @change="(selection) => handleChange(selection)"
  <template #items="{ handleSelection }">
      v-for="item in menuItems"
      :selected="selectedItem.value === item.value"
      {{ item.label }}

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      selectedItem: {
        label: 'Select an item',
        value: ''
      menuItems: [{
        label: 'US (United States)',
        value: 'us'
        label: 'FR (France)',
        value: 'fr'
  methods: {
    handleChange (item) {
      this.selectedItem = item
      this.$toaster.open(`${item.label} clicked!`)

# buttonAppearance

Use this prop to customize the trigger KButton appearance.


# showCaret

Use this prop if you would like the trigger button to display the caret.


# icon

A string for the KIcon to be displayed on the dropdown button with or in place of the button label.


# width

The width of the dropdown body (defaults to auto). Currently we support numbers (will be converted to px), auto, and percentages for width.


# kpopAttributes

Use the kpopAttributes prop to configure the KPop props dropdown.

KPopAttributes FTW

Click the three dots in the upper right corner to see the example in action
  title="KPopAttributes FTW"
  body="Click the three dots in the upper right corner to see the example in action"
  <template #actions>
        popoverClasses: 'mt-5',
        maxWidth: '100'
      <template #default>
          <template #icon>

# disabled

Use this prop to disable the dropdown, can be used in conjunction with disabledTooltip prop.

# disabledTooltip

Text to display on hover if dropdown is disabled.

  disabled-tooltip="You can't click me"

# Slots

There are 2 supported slots:

  • default - The trigger element for opening/closing the menu. Slot provides isOpen - whether the menu is open or not.
  • items - For an example of using the items slot see the KDropdownItem section.
<KDropdownMenu :items="items">
  <template #default="{ isOpen }">

# KDropdownItem

KDropdownMenu generates a KDropdownItem for each object in the items prop array. At the most basic level, KDropdownItem is a wrapper around each item to display it correctly inside KDropdownMenu. You can use the items slot of the KDropdownMenu to manually create your own menu items.

# Properties

  • item - the properties the router-link is built from, it expects a label and optionally a to (for a router-link item) or value (for a selectionMenu item).
  • disabled - a boolean (defaults to false), whether or not to disable the item.
  • selected - a boolean (defaults to false), whether or not the item is selected if using selectionMenu appearance.
  • hasDivider - a boolean (defaults to false), whether or not the item should have a divider bar displayed above it
  • isDangerous - a boolean (defaults to false), whether or not to apply danger styles (text color is red)
<KDropdownItem :item="{ label: 'Leave the page', to: { path: '/' } }" />

There are 3 primary item types:

  • link
    • the generic type generated using the items prop on KDropdownMenu
    • the generic type generated using the item prop on KDropdownItem
  • button - this item is generated if a handler is specified for the @click event on a KDropdownItem
  • custom - no special handling, you completely control the content
<KDropdownMenu label="Variety">
  <template #items>
    <KDropdownItem :item="{ label: 'You are here', to: { path: '/components/dropdown-menu.html' } }" />
    <KDropdownItem @click="clickHandler">
      A button
      Disabled button
        External link

# Events

Event Description
click Fires when a button type menu item is clicked
change Fires when items within a selectionMenu are clicked; returns the selected menu item object or null
toggleDropdown Fires when the button to toggle the menu is clicked; returns true if the menu is open, or false